J2 Tutorial 3, Activity 2: A Mini Day in the Life of Chelsea Toh Kar-Men

“A Day in The Life of Chelsea Toh Kar-Men”

Type of lead: quotation, descriptive

Explanation for choice of lead: I find that quotations and descriptive leads are easier to craft, hence the choice

Angle: giving people insights into a day in the life of a CMM student

Explanation for choice of ending: ties up the article with a question posed to the readers on whether they think the CMM life is tiring or otherwise. This ending seems like a simple one as there isn’t much conflict or interesting elements in the story as a whole, in my opinion.

Lead: “If you can’t take pictures of flowers, what makes you think you can take pictures of humans?” a meek, petite and mellow teenage girl, wearing a vanilla white t-shirt and clad in a pair of charcoal black jeans, uncharacteristically boomed. Her name was Vanessa.

Nutgraph: The recipient of her surprisingly condescending question was none other than her cousin, Chelsea Toh Kar-Men. Vanessa’s obvious displeasure, could be explained by the fact that she had just waited for over an hour for Chelsea to arrive. They had planned to meet up at the beautifully scenic Gardens by the Bay for the former to teach the latter how to hone her photography skills, the former being a student pursuing a Film and Television diploma in Ngee Ann Polytechnic, giving her the competencies to do so. As to why the latter had to sharpen her photography skills, it was because she was studying Communications and Media Management (CMM) in Temasek Polytechnic (TP) where she had just started her second semester, commencing a new subject, (you might have guessed it) Photography. As Chelsea refined her skills through snapping photos continuously, under the strict guidance and teaching of Vanessa, she felt her previously boundless energy start to expend and it dawned on her how tiring the rest of the day was going to be.

Ending: Utterly drained and devoid of even an infinitesimal ounce of energy, Chelsea crashed unto her bed and fell asleep immediately. Although many students in TP would argue that CMM was one of the more laidback diploma courses, Chelsea sure did not feel like that was at all the case, for her, at least. Having read about the day in a life of a CMM student, would you be inclined to agree?

288 words


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